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rudik PETROSYAN                                                                                                                                    Education:


1969- Graduated from the Yerevan Art College after Terlemezyan

1978- Graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts Institute


Prizes and Diplomas:


2019-“Artemisia Gentileschi Award” – Italy

2019- International Prize “ Boticelli”- Florence- Italy

2019- “ 1st Premio Creativity Award in the World 2019” – Italy

2018- “World of Art Award for the Best Art and Creativity”- London

2018- International Prize “Caravaggio” – Milan-Italy

2018- “ High Honor Knight of Art 2018” - Italy

2018- Prize “Pablo Picasso”- Italy

2018- 1st Prize “ Gran Targa Leone San Marco” -Italy

2018- “Golden Palm 2018 for the Visual Art”- France

2018- World Directory of Artists Award ”Cavalierie in Art 2018” - Italy

2018- Prize “Giulio Cesare” – Lecce- Italy

2018- International Prize “Rafaello”-Bologna -Italy

2018-  International Prize of Nations ”Tribute to Tiziano”- Venice- Italy

2018- “Biennale of the Nations”-Venice- Italy

2017- Medal of the “ Schiller” from the European Academy- Germany

2017- Medal and Award of the” Wassily Kandinsky” from the European Academy - Germany

2017- Medal of the “Fridtjof Nansen”- Armenia

2017- Medal of the “Tigranes the Great”- Armenia

2017- Medal of the” President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia”- Armenia

2017- Award ” The Riace warrios”- Italy

2017- “The Global Art Award”- Dubai

2017-  Biennale Palermo “Ambassador in Art”- Italy

2017- “Cristophore Columb Prize”- Italy

2017- “World Art Collection 2017 Award “-Italy

2017-  Grant Award “Artist of the Year”- France

2017- “Diego Velazquez Prize”- Italy

2017- “Oscar Prize”-Italy

2017- “Oscar Prize”- Monte Carlo

2017- “Milano International Prize”-Italy

2017- “Metropolitan Empire Prize”- New York - USA

2017- “International Award. Talent and Professionals”- Barcelona- Spain

2017- “Trophy Leone dei Dogi - Biennale Prize”- Venice - Italy

2017- “International Award Caravaggio”- Art Expo Rome - Italy

2017- “Prize de France de Riviera”- Canna - France

2017- “Francesco Goya Prize”- Barcelona - Spain

2017- “Dante Aliegieri Prize”- Peschiera del Garda - Italy

2017- “Cavaliere in Art”- Palermo - Italy

2017- “Ambassador Prize Biennale Palermo”- Italy

2017- “Art World Collection Trophy 2017”- Genova - Italy

2017- “Prize Leonardo Da Vinci”- Milan - Italy

2017- “International Award Galileo Galilei”- Italy




2019 –Exhibitions in Italy

2019- Exhibition in Kaufman Music Center- New York- NY

2019 Exhibiton in “Art and Jazz Fest” Philadelphia, PA

2018- Exhibition “Biennale of the Nations”- Venice- Italy

2018-  AAPL“90th Grand National Exhibition” - New York- USA

2018- “Art in Fall 2018”- New Jersey- USA

2018- “Contemporary Art Exhibition”in the Loft Gallery-New York- USA

2018- Two Exhibitions in” Gallery Broadway”- New York-USA

2017- “Personal exhibition” in the Parlament –Yerevan- Armenia

2017- “Personal exhibition” in Artsakh - Armenia

2017- “Personal exhibition” in Echmiadzine - Armenia

2017- “Personal exhibition” in the building of the Constitutional Court- Yerevan-Armenia

2017- “IAF” Exhibition in the Loft Gallery- New York-USA

2017- “Biennale di Venezia 2017”- Italy

2017- “Art Expo Rome” - Italy

2017- “Salvadore Dali Expo” in Museum “Dali”- Barcelona -Spain

2017- “Van Gogh Expo” in Ville de Van Gogh - France

2017- “Torino” Museum - Italy

2017- “Michelangelo Hotel” - New York - USA

2017- “Biennale Palermo VIP Zone” - Italy

2017- “Biennale Peschiera del Garda”- Italy


Since 1970, the works of Rudik Petrosyan have been collected by the Armenian Museum of Art, Tretiakov Museum of Moscow, Kiev Museum of Russia, State Art Galleries of Yerevan and private collections in USA, Japan, Germany, France, Argentina and so on. Currently residing in New Jersey. Admitted legally to the USA as an Extraordinary Artist Ability.


Artista di fama internazionale, si è formato in Armenia. Svolge la sua attività negli Stati Uniti. Dal 1970, le opere di Rudik Petrosyan sono state raccolte dal Museo d'Arte Armeno, dal Museo Tretiakov di Mosca, dal Museo di Russia di Kiev, dalle Gallerie d'arte statali di Yerevan e da collezioni private negli Stati Uniti, in Giappone, Germania, Francia, Argentina e così via. Attualmente residente nel New Jersey. Riconosciuto negli Stati Uniti come artista di straordinaria capacità. Espone le sue opere in mostre personali e collettive. Partecipa a concorsi e premi. È pubblicato su riviste e cataloghi del settore. Vive ed opera tra Stati Uniti e Armenia.



Artiste de renommée internationale, il s'est formé en Arménie. Ses affaires sont aux États-Unis. Depuis 1970, les œuvres de Rudik Petrosyan sont rassemblées par le musée d'art arménien, le musée Tretiakov à Moscou, le musée russe de Kiev, les galeries d'art d'État d'Erevan et des collections privées aux États-Unis, au Japon, Allemagne, France, Argentine, etc. Réside actuellement dans le New Jersey. Reconnu aux États-Unis comme un artiste d'une capacité extraordinaire. Il expose ses œuvres dans des expositions individuelles et collectives. Participer à des compétitions et des prix. Il est publié dans des magazines et des catalogues du secteur. Vit et travaille entre les États-Unis et l'Arménie.












Still Life in Red , oil on canvas, 40 x 50.8 cm (15.7 x 20 in.)

Still Life with Pomegranates, oil on canvas, 45.5 x 61 cm (17.9 x 24 in.)

Still Life with Pomegranates , oil on canvas, 40.6 x 55 cm (16 x 21.7 in.)


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